How to remove ink stains

How to remove ink stains
How to remove ink stains

Every parent has been there—your child comes home from school with ink smudges and pen marks on their hands, face, and clothes. Don’t worry! Thankfully, there are easy ways to get rid of those stubborn ink stains. Here are a few practical methods to help.

For ink stains on the skin, like on the face or hands, baby oil works wonders. Just dab a bit of baby oil on a cotton pad or cloth, gently rub it over the mark, and watch the ink disappear in seconds—no skin irritation involved.

If the ink ends up on clothes, try using rubbing alcohol. Lightly dab the stain with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to lift the ink out. Another option is to place a paper towel under the stain and blot it with a mix of one part ether and three parts alcohol. This technique prevents the ink from soaking deeper into the fabric and helps absorb the stain.

For white fabrics, it’s better to use methanol, ethanol, or regular alcohol instead of rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol may leave a blue tint on white clothes, while these options keep your whites bright and stain-free.